The Shadow of Black Carbon: An Urgent Call for Clean Shipping

The Shadow of Black Carbon: An Urgent Call for Clean Shipping
There is a strong need for ships to use cleaner fuels to eliminate the existing climate and health concern.

In the vast expanse of human history, we have witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations and the ebb and flow of progress, but now we stand at a critical junction. Our global economy, thriving on the constant movement of goods, relies heavily on shipping, which accounts for 90% of worldwide trade. Yet, there is a darker side to this seemingly innocuous industry. In the depths of our oceans and skies, it has left an indelible mark – black carbon. This toxic by-product of burning heavy fuel oil significantly contributes to global warming and is a severe health risk to coastal communities.

The Shadow of Black Carbon: An Urgent Call for Clean Shipping
The shipping industry is one of the major contributor of global black carbon emission.

Black Carbon is the 2nd largest contributor of global warming.

Diesel engines account for

nearly 60%

of the black carbon released in the US and EU.

Weaving a tale of deceit, black carbon is responsible for around 16% of global warming, making it the second-largest contributor after carbon dioxide. Diesel engines, major sources of these emissions, account for nearly 60% of the black carbon released in the United States and European Union. As the shadows of black carbon particles stretch across the globe, they accelerate the melting of snow and ice, with the Arctic being particularly vulnerable to their insidious reach.

The Arctic, warming at an alarming 0.73C per decade – nearly four times the global average – faces an uncertain future threatened by the very breath of our civilization. With its ability to absorb sunlight, black carbon heats the atmosphere at rates two to three times greater than previously estimated. The once-pristine white landscapes, now tainted by this invisible enemy, have plunged the Inuit way of life into jeopardy. Their highways of ice, once a testament to their resilience, are now buckling under the weight of our ignorance.

Yet, hope remains. There are a whole host of companies working on technologies and solutions to reduce black carbon emissions- some that aim to reduce black carbon emissions by over 90%. The benefits to humanity are staggering; up to 200,000 premature deaths could be prevented annually worldwide.

Technologies that aim to reduce black carbon emissions in shipping

Alternate fuels

Cleaner burning fuels like hydrogen can significantly reduce black carbon emissions from ships. Source: RA

Diesel particulate filters

These filters capture soot particles and can reduce black carbon emissions by over 90%. Source: BAS


Exhaust gas cleaning systems, or scrubbers, can be installed on ships to remove pollutants like sulfur oxides and particulate matter, including black carbon.

Slow steaming

Operating ships at lower speeds can reduce fuel consumption and emissions, including black carbon.

Alternative fuels

Using alternative fuels like liquefied natural gas (LNG), hydrogen, or biofuels can help reduce black carbon emissions from ships

Wind power

Installing devices like sails or rotor sails on ships can harness wind power and reduce the need for engines, thereby reducing black carbon emissions.

Hull coatings

Special coatings on ship hulls can reduce friction and drag, resulting in lower fuel consumption and emissions.

In light of the urgent call for clean shipping with the goal of reducing black carbon emissions, HNO International sees an opportunity to partner with shipping companies and provide practical solutions with hydrogen-powered technologies. By collaborating and implementing these solutions, we can aim to work towards a brighter and more sustainable future, protecting our planet and the health of future generations. Let us seize this opportunity to make a positive impact and create a better world for all.

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